The VALUE MANAGER  © is an experienced and skilled negotiator who strives for parity in final negotiations by using value-based negotiation strategies in order to meet buyers and decision-making authorities at eye level and consequently achieve more deals with better margins.

Through the combination of ZOPA negotiation techniques with mediator-based VALUE-ARGUMENTATION, you will be able to master crucial price negotiations and close final agreements with superior results.

COURSE CONTENT - Final Agreement

Salespersons learn and train how to ...

  • perform Buyer 4.0 aligned PRESENTATIONS OF QUOTATIONS,
  • use the Value Chain © to lead the conversation,
  • manage the BUYING CENTER in a differentiated way by “tailoring” CUSTOMER NEEDS,
  • design a VALUE PREFERENCE GRID for this purpose,
  • prepare for a FINAL NEGOTIATION,
  • define goals and NEGOTIATION PARAMETERS,
  • prepare for critical NEGOTIATING POSITIONS,
  • plan and reduce NEGOTIATION RISKS that may arise during negotiations,
  • use differentiated VALUE ARGUMENTATIONS for price statements and push backs,
  • deal with different CHARACTERS OF NEGOTIATORS,
  • address typical BUYER TACTICS,
  • develop a GET-TO-GIVE MEDIATOR concept,
  • create a CONVERSATION PLAN along with MILESTONES to manage the negotiation masterfully,

VALUE-based NEGOTIATION STRATEGIES ultimately lead to more deals and higher margins as sellers shift the buyer’s focus from prices and costs to benefits and profits.

The negotiation training uses a special dialogue model with a set of conversation tools from the DIALOG FRAMEWORK. The goal is to take the lead in final negotiations in order to consistently close the deal and impose prices in the best possible way. The tools are based on the principles of VALUE-BASED SELLING in combination with new Buyer 4.0 dialogue elements.

Dialogue Framework Components

    • the Sweet Spot Presentation
    • the Customer Business Need
    • the Solution Story
    • the Value Message
      Competence Statement
    • the Business Statement
    • Whiteboard and Storytelling Techniques
    • the Final Check based on the Check-and-Balance Dialogue
    • Dialogue elements for different negotiation strategies and price positions
    • the ZOPA Dialogue concept
    • the Value Proposition
    • the Get Give Mediator 
    • the Final Agreement
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and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Add a 2-step authentication to your account to expand access security and better protect your data. To do this,

  • Click the “Log in” button and sign in with the credentials sent to you by email. You will be taken to the 2FA setup procedure.
  • In case the QR code is not not shown immediatley on the screen, please wait a second or refresh your screen.
  • Install from the Google or Apple store the Microsoft Authenticator on your mobile phone or any other APP shown on the bottom of the popup window of the 2FA procedure.
  • For the Microsoft Authenticator, select “Add account / Other account” or equivalent steps in the APP you have chosen. (See also the various instructions for other apps in the 2FA pop-up window.)
  • Thereafter scan the QR code displayed in the popup window using your Authenticator APP.
  • The phone will immediately show the new account and a 6-digit security code.
  • After clicking “I’m Ready” in the window of the 2FA procedure, enter the security key into the “Authentication Code” field of the form and finish the procedure with “Validate & Save Configuration”.
  • Now you have the option to download back-up codes to use them instead of the security code from the APP, if you ever lose your mobile device or do not have access to your phone.
  • Then, you will be redirected in order to choose your language and arrive at the Welcome page.
  • Get an overview and begin with the “Get Started” menu item, describing how to work with the platform.
  • At any future login – after signing in with your username and password – you will be provided with the requested one-time code in the Authenticator APP to enter the key into the form on your PC to finally get access.

Handling is easy and straightforward in everyday practice! Now start with Log in